Friday, November 4, 2011

Critiquing Presidential Debates

Yessica Martinez recently blogged about the current presidential debates and their relevance to presidential elections. View Here. I feel that debates are a vital aspect of every political campaign. Since the first televised debate in 1960 between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, the American people have been able to make tough decisions based upon who the most informed candidate is. Debates are not used to stump candidates, but rather to find out how informed possible presidential candidates are on important issues. If candidates simply spent their entire campaigns talking to the masses, the presidential election would be based solely on emotion. Debates allow citizens to judge their potential president on intelligence and poise. In this day and age some debates even allow citizens to send in questions of their own, somewhat solidifying our right to political participation.

Perry's performance in the last couple debates were terrifyingly awful. So much so that his "thoughts" on debates  ("Designed to tear down candidates"), I believe, are just a cover for his fear. He knows that he an not afford another poor performance. And he also knows, just like everyone else, that he is not the most informed. I for one want my president to be the more informed on each and every issue.

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