Monday, October 17, 2011

Nihilism is the Schism

"There's no point negotiating with people whose sole objectives are their own pursuit of power," said Richard Eskow, editorial writer for Smirking Chimp, about the modern day GOP that is threatening America and its citizens way of life.  Eskow views the current GOP front-runners as nothing more than undeserving nihilists. I know what you're thinking, and I also found this statement to be a tad bit extreme, that is until I continued to read his article.

Eskow points out that today's GOP has absolutely no core beliefs left, and that their ideologies are quickly becoming a thing of the past. The Republicans that once believed in state's rights, a smaller role for Federal Government, and in the importance of business as a part of society are now driven by the lust and need for power.  They are willing to denounce anything that isn't helpful to their main goal: winning.  Eskow also notes that back in the "all or nothing" days of George W. Bush, Republicans passed a $286 billion infrastructure spending bill. But now, when a bill of this type (which Democrats favor) is much needed, Republicans oppose it.

Compromise seems to be a fleeting concept for the GOP even though it was compromise that built this great country.  GOP front-runners Cain and Romney are proposing plans that will drop the 35% top marginal tax rate (compare 35% to 86% in 1947 and 75% in 1968) which would not only lower taxes for major corporations, but push everyone else's taxes up. This would accelerate the destruction of America's working middle class, which the educated Cain and Romney have to be aware of.

Cain's 9.9.9 plan is absolutely ridiculous.  His plan will drop the top marginal tax rate to 9%, add a 9% Federal tax rate, and impose a 9% tax rate on the poor working class.  Tax cuts for the wealthy cannot be offset by imposing taxes on the poor, and a 9% Federal tax rate will only further drive down our staggeringly levels of demand.

Romney's 59 step plan, which will also drive down the top marginal tax rate, would make it even easier for big corporations to outsource work and would remove certain regulations whose removal in 2008 led to our current economic situation.

When all is said and done, Republicans just want to win this election, and will do and say anything that they think will lead to a "W" over the Democrats.  Eskow makes several interesting points throughout his article which is obviously geared towards left-wing liberals,  but his arguments should not only hit home for them, but for American's in general.  The facts are right in front of our faces, and yet many people are blind to them.  We cannot allow our country to be lead by unconstitutional, conservative GOP Big Whigs who put their own, and their wealthy backing corporations well-being ahead of the majority.  It is time for us to stand and be heard. Time for us to demand change.

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