Monday, October 10, 2011

You Wanna vote..? Too Bad!

I find it utterly absurd to think that in this day and age, when Democracy is considered to be the social and moral standard of the world (as is shown by our constant forcing of Democracy on other countries) that it is possibly being limited by right wing Conservatives.  It has been proven time and time again that the lowest percentage of voters stem from the minority and lower class citizens of our nation.  And now, in 2001,  more than 220 years after men were given the right to vote, mandates and provisions have been adopted by a handful of states to make it even more difficult for the poor and minority voice to be heard.  It was recently published in the New York Times that 19 laws and 2 executive actions were passed in 14 states to be exact.  States that are largely dominated by Republicans.  "As a result, more than 5 million eligible voters will have a harder time participating in the 2012 election." The editorial's author (I have posted the editorial below) believes that the real purpose of these laws is to turn people, who are more likely to vote Democratic, away from the polls, and I for one agree whole-heartedly.  Why you ask? I'll tell you. 11% of the population, that's 21 million Americans, do not own government I.D. cards. Most of them are lower class citizens or minorities.  Still with me? Good.  Now there have been strict laws passed in the past year requiring photo I.D. to vote. I can remember when my mother just had to take a utility bill to the polls! I find this to be a huge breach of contract the Federal Government. No matter your social or economic status we all deserve the right to vote for our leader.

The Myth of Voter Fraud

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